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Can love be sweet and sour at thesame time?

What an Oxymoron for Love to be sweet and at same time sour like Lime..funny it is for one to have a bitter honey but then like its always said that nothing is impossible and so love can be sweet and sour all at a time when the sweet rudiments and flares that supposed to spice it up are missing leaving just the word"Love" to exist in imagination where as the sweetness has been exile . Everybody longs for love and to be loved but not everybody would be graced with the sweet scented love for example many are called but few are chosen, it's a beautiful thing for love to be solely SWEET without a sour taste but its perfect for love to have a SOUR TASTE because one cant appreciate Peace if there is no war nor appreciate money without the lack of it so, the sour nature in a sweet love cant be over emphasised because everyone has felt the nature of the sour example. ..misunderstanding is a sour taste in sweet love,arguments,complaints,n a whole lots of them are all sour but the question there now is DOES THE SOUR TASTE IN THIS SWEET LIVE HAS ANY GOOD ROLE IT PLAYS AND HOW CAN ONE LIVE ON WITH THESE SOUR NATURES THAT ARE INEVITABLE AND STILL ENJOY THE SWEETNESS OF LOVE.

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